All Events Welcome Championship
Championship History

Jan 30th, 2021: Eric achieved glory and made history by winning the Cards Against Humanity Tournament to be crowned the first ever All Events Welcome World Champion. Beating the likes of his wife, Jake, his wife's friend and even Rando Cardrissian Eric set the tone for what a champion should be.
Feb. 25th, 2021: Jake had fallen into despair after failing to fulfill his destiny of being the first All Events Welcome World Champion. Harnessing the hidden power of Sheik, Jake rectified this mistake and brought honor to himself and his ancestors by besting then champion Eric in a riveting contest of Super Smash Bros. Melee.
March 28th, 2021: Thanks to the rules set forth by the All Events Welcome Commissioner and the governing bylaws therein, it was brought to the current champion's attention that he was overdue to defend his title Therefore, during an episode of the Down The Middle Podcast, Jake would lose the strap in a coin flip against The G.O.A.T Benji. Ben would go on to carry the championship with honor and prestige, and would go on to become the first man to ever successfully defend his championship after winning it.

April 21st, 2021: The G.O.A.T made history on this day by becoming the first ever person to retain the All Event Welcome Championship after dominating the two contenders in Uno. Not satisfied with just this victory, Ben also played until someone else won for the next title opportunity. Ever the fighting champion, Benji was ready for the next challenge.
May 31st, 2021: Winning the right to challenge for the belt next, Jake faced off against Ben in a non-alcoholic contest of Beer Pong. It was a long and intense battle, and just as both combatants were barely able to stand, Jake managed to pull off some amazing shots to win the contest and become the first ever two-time All Events Welcome World Champion.

July 15th, 2021: Ben was determined to avenge his non-alcoholic Beer Pong loss and with the help of Raiden he successfully defended the realm of Earth and regained the All Events Welcome World Championship in stunning victories over two back-to-back Kombatants. Using the skill of Johnny Cage and the raw power of the demon Scorpion, Ben cemented his place as the greatest in all the realms.

Sept. 30th, 2021: Benji would never hesitate to look his opponent in the eye. In this case, it was literal. Sure of his ability to stare into the abyss, Eric challenged the champ to a staring contest. In a controversial match (due to the alleged presence of dust that was not normally in the room) Eric lost and the G.O.A.T continued his reign as the now most successful All Events Welcome World champion in history. Would he ever be dethroned?
April 19th, 2022: Ben Kauffman tragically passed away. On April 24th Jake announced on an episode of The Down The Middle Podcast that, in honor of his memory, Ben would be immortalized as the last and greatest All Events Welcome World Champion. The championship was officially retired and the B.O.A.T will go down in history as not only the longest reigning champion, but also the champion with the most wins and the only person to ever successfully defend his title.
Ben's many friends and family said their final farewells to him on April 30th, 2022. Ben was a co-founder of the Down The Middle Podcast, a frequent guest and contributor for The Average Intelligence Podcast, had a part of the inspiration for the Horror Podcast, but most importantly a cherished and amazing friend to us all. He may be gone, but his legacy lives on in the projects that he loved and our many memories.