Spurr Of The Moment Podcast: Back To The Year We Were Born
Spurr of The moment PodcastJanuary 06, 2025x
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Spurr Of The Moment Podcast: Back To The Year We Were Born

Check Out Arete Media: http://aretemedia.org It's a new year and the new year doesn't start off with a ton of news but we have some including the Fantastic 4 in marvel rivals, is andrew garfield playing jesus?, and is he doing spiderman 4, The First Appearence of the DCU Batman and more #dcubatman #dcubatmanfancast #andrewgarfieldspiderman #invincible #invincibleseason3 #marvelsrivals #thesimpsonsseriesfinale #thesimpsonsintro #thesimpsonsthemesong #jasonmomoalobo #jasonmomoa #goodfellas #thesilenceofthelambs #thesilenceofthelambsgoodbyehorses #thewitches #thewitches1990 #1990 #1991 #podcast #youtube Follow us on Discord:

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