Spurr Of The Moment Podcast: Book To Movie Adaptations With @literatureandlingerie
Spurr of The moment PodcastJanuary 13, 2025x
04:19:54240.52 MB

Spurr Of The Moment Podcast: Book To Movie Adaptations With @literatureandlingerie

Check Out Aly's Page: https://www.youtube.com/@literatureandlingerie it's time for a new podcast every body starting off with the news inlcluding a new holes reboot, that passion of the christ sequel, shadow of the collussus movie, matrix movie and then our friend Aly is here to talk about book to movie adapdations are they good movies? Are they good adaptions? are they good books? tune in and find out #holes #holesmovie #disney #booktomovieadaptations #booktofilmadaptations #marypoppins #powerwashsimulator #hungergames #hungergamesballadofsongbirdsandsnakes #hungergamescatchingfire #harrypotter #harrypottermovies #harrypottermoviesvsbooks #harrypottermoviesreview #harrypottermoviesvsbooksdifferences #podcast #podcast #youtube Follow us on Discord https://discord.gg/CUJhcpu8 Email the Show: http://itsjustinsbusiness@gmail.com Justin's Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@justinspurr?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Jordan's Twitch: https://m.twitch.tv/zethgor187 Arete Media: http://aretemedia.org Spurr of The Moment Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@spurrofthemomentp Be On The Show: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfg8E8ANi_0G7ON9IlqQ4GguHLx4J24qHLCmruSJ4IYKbektw/viewform?pli=1