💪 - https://www.instagram.com/coachbucmethod/ 💪 - https://aretemedia.org/ 💪 - https://4sandcorporation.com/ 💪 - Regístrate en CapCut Pro hoy y obtén 7 días gratis: capcutaffiliateprogram.pxf.io/7aXob5 💪 - Consigue tus velas de cera de soja totalmente naturales: https://www.steviewix.com/shop-candles 💪 - Bienvenidos nuevamente a The Method Podcast. Esta vez, vamos a intentar algo diferente: un podcast solo de audio. Coach Buc habla sobre la alimentación saludable y la necesidad de hacer ejercicio y comer bien. 💪 - Sign up for CapCut Pro today and get 7 days free: capcutaffiliateprogram.pxf.io/7aXob5 💪 - Get your all-natural soy wax candles: https://www.steviewix.com/shop-candles 💪 - Welcome back to The Method Podcast. We're trying something different this time, an audio only podcast. Coach Buc talks about clean eating and the necessity of exercising and eating right. #PodcastCoachBuc #EntrenamientoIntegral #MenteCuerpoEspíritu #SintonizaTransforma #fitness #health #healthandwellness #healthyfood #fitnessjourney #wellnessjourney #mentalhealth #yoga #exercise #eatright #eatclean #cleaneating #diet #exercise